I had a sleepless night dreaming of things that could have happened but didn't...why?
Why is it sometimes your brain runs a muck with the craziest thoughts?
Just one of those days but spoke to Dad this morning and he's feeling and sounding better xoxo Dad
School on a Saturday should never happen, the little cherubs are fighting over pencils! Give me strength as someone said to me the other day "sometimes I know why animals eat their young!" we all have those moments, if it's not with the kids it's definitely with your significant other. Do you want fries with him??
While teaching your children gives you a good insight to what's going on in the school system, it is something I find hard to cope with. The pressure of being responsible for the grounding they receive that will shape there future, is something I am struggling with. I worry about my little minnow's in the big ocean. Life is pretty easy here. Will they be prepared?
I need to build a bridge and worry less What Will be Will be...go Doris!